Event Date: 9th October 2009
Speaker: Sophie Wolfrum
Venue: Rachna Sansad Academy of Architecture

The Game of Steps form space. They weave the structure of places. They cannot be localised, because they entirely produce the space. “(Michel de Certeau, Kunst des Handelns. Berlin 1988, S.188) We have learned by Michele de Certeau and others in the tradition of the situationist movement to experience city – and understand city as product of this experience. With the concept of psycho-social production of space, psycho-geography, this exerts a great influence on urban theory, and its radicalness makes it a recurrent point of reference in fine arts. Evidently there are various traditional strands behind the current interest in walking and travelling, physical recognition and lived space, cultural production of space, situative or performative urbanism.
Architectural theory likewise takes a line of discourse that underlines the performative aspect of architecture. The performative aspect stresses the component of spatial experience and action that is indispensable in architectural reality.