Event Date: 24th April 2009
Respondents: Darryl D’Monte, Amrit Gangar
Venue: Rachna Sansad, Academy of Architecture, Mumbai

The multilingual Bombay, the Bombay of intolerance, the Bombay of closed mills, of popular culture, sprawling slums and real estate onslaughts, the metropolis of numerous ghettos, the El Dorado. This film is a tale of the cities of Bom Bahia/Bombay/Mumbai, through a tapestry of fiction, cinema vérité, art objects, found footage, sound installation and literary texts. Within the context of an engorged metropolis, fast approaching a saturation point not only with infrastructure support but also an inundated social and ineffectual political machine, the Mumbai Lounge is conceived as an urban discourse to facilitate theoretical criticism and practical ideas and thus broaden the understanding of our urban environment- both the tangible and abstract and enable greater public participation and generate dialogues with governing and non-governing agencies.